Magnus Hazelnut 3.0
Ever noticed how good hazelnut coffee smells, but the taste becomes overpowering? Ours has an incredible nose but delivers only a delicate hint of hazelnut – it doesn’t lay on your tongue after you put your cup down.
$10.87 – $13.20 — available on subscription
Magnus Hazelnut 3.0
Product Description
Hazelnut 3.0: Ever noticed how good hazelnut coffee smells, but the taste becomes overpowering? Ours has an incredible nose but delivers only a delicate hint of hazelnut – it doesn’t lay on your tongue after you put your cup down. Instead, it’s a super balanced, enticing cup of complexity from smooth creamy beans – it’ll delight your senses.
Our beans are ground and roasted perfectly. They are roasted first, then ground. And roasted properly, so as not to pulverize upon grinding, that causes acidity tastes… Packaged fresh in our biodegradable bags.
Available in:
- Whole Bean
- Ground Bean
- K-CUP® Compatible Coffee Pods
12 oz. Bag of Whole Beans
12 oz. Bag of Ground Coffee
10 KCUPS- Recyclable
Avoid the hassle of forgetting to order and running out of coffee – select AUTO-SHIP and we ship every month! You can cancel or change quantity for every monthly ship.